Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today students studied the difference between "standard" and "inferential" subheadings. Standard subheadings basically tell you what the section is about, inferential requires students to use their Background Knowledge and Text Clues to help them understand what the subheading means.

The following link takes you to a video where Alex, Jake, Ian, and Charlie debated whether a subheading is inferential or standard. Enjoy...


Monday, September 27, 2010


In science our project for this week is to discover the amount of passengers (pennies) our lifeboat (a modified paper cup) can carry. We must, sadly learn vocabulary words such as: buoyancy and surface tension. Also the current record holder is Cameron, Zach, Charlie, Christian and Josh with a record-holding 35 pennies.
On Friday we constructed our lifeboats by taking paper cups with wax covering and cutting them to exactly three cm. After we had to get 50 pennies to act like our passengers. To control the variables, we must only use pennies that were minted 1983-2010 because before 1983 the US Mint had a higher copper content creating a heavier penny.
Then we went to work going into groups trying to create the best way to pattern our pennies on the cup. This is one of the most important if not the most important part of this. If we didn’t evenly distribute the pennies we do very good imitation of the Titanic we weren’t aiming for that. We hope we can get 45+ pennies this week.

By Brad, Max, Cameron, and Zach

You Tube Video Link

Social Studies

This unit in Social Studies we are studying early humans and how they survived traveling. This was a very hard time for the people that had to survive. We have learned that many scientists believe that the first Homo sapiens lived in around South Africa. In modern-day Alaska and Asia there was a bridge of land that was over the modern-day Bering Strait. These nomadic Neanderthals did not know the existence of the modern day humans in South Africa.
These humans didn’t realize that they were beginning society, if these heroes just quit we would not be here. As these people armed with only make-shift spears with flint heads. These unbelievable people trudged through the harsh conditions that faced them.
Estimates of when they traveled this historical bridge of land could be crossed were
38,000-34,000 B.C.E
30,000-15,000 B.C.E
Even though we might only learn about one of three possible was of coming to the Americas. I would like to mention that there was: Beringia (the one we are learning about), Coastal Route and Mackenzie Corridor. My fellow classmates and I can’t wait until we can learn more.

By Brad, Zach, Cameron, and Max

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome to 5th Grade!

Hello parents and students.

We will be BLOGGING this year. Basically this will be a newsletter (updated here and there) to share with you what we are doing in class. The students will eventually write their own newsletters for you to see. Feel free to add a comment at any time!
This blog is unsearchable (you can't find it on Google or Yahoo) therefore the only way to get to it is if you know the address. This blog is for family, friends, and students.

Mr. Gebauer